
How I Got Started Doing this Wonderful Work

A client recently asked me how I got started in energy work. I have to say, I was not one those children who knew she had a “gift” from an early age. My gifts became evident later in life, after I started my training as an energy healer. I do remember, however, as a child having a strong knowing that there was more to this world than ‘what meets the eye.’ When I entered into healing I found that world.

In college, I was drawn to all things new age: past life regression, astrology, Chakras, etc. One day a good friend of mine, asked me to go with her to a conference in New York City titled Healing The Whole Self. The speakers were a who’s who of spirituality: Brian Weiss (past life regression) John Kabat Zinn (mindfulness) Wayne Dyer (Spirituality) and Barbara Brennan (Energy healer and former NASA research scientist), who had teamed up with John Upledger, the father of CranioSacral Therapy, to do a healing on an audience member. I was amazed by the session, and especially awed by Barbara, who was so generous with her knowledge. After three full days of inspiring workshops and talks, my friend and I returned to her apartment in New York and started journaling about the life-changing weekend. I wrote a lot about the experience, but one sentence was particularly prophetic: “I want to be a healer, in whatever form that takes, I wrote.

Despite my clarity, I knew I could not quit my day job right away. So while continuing to work full-time in the medical field, I took chakra classes and began my energy healing training by joining a practicum group of novice healers like myself. I took every opportunity to learn and practice healings on anyone who would let me! I soon realized this was my life’s work. Over the years, I have trained with several healers spanning a multitude of healing modalities. My training has been in group class formats as well as direct apprenticeship formats.

My love for energy healing has only grown over the years and my practice has grown with it. In October 2019, I decided to leave my corporate job to do energy work full-time.

In my practice, I believe Spirit is in charge of each energy healing session and I am the conduit. My ability to work with Spiritual Guidance, to see and channel various energy frequencies, and to truly feel my clients’ souls and connect with the innate wisdom inside their own bodies is what make me a strong healer today.

From my heart to yours,
